Sunday, November 4, 2007

9th entry

Last meeting we continued to talk about the episode of Law and Order. The part of the discussion that I found interesting was when Sir asked if it was possible to obtain personal information such as medical records, all the sites a person goes to, bank numbers, passwords and etc.

It would be really cool and at the same time scary if this can actually be done. There would no longer be any privacy when it comes to anything to do with the internet. If this was indeed possible stalking a person would become something that can be easily done. Thankfully this is just a fantasy.

I am sure that any site that would require people to input such personal information will be aware of the importance of keeping these information private. Therefore, they will go through huge lengths to insure that hackers will not be able to obtain the information easily. If they don't protect the information then they will loose clients and in turn loose money.

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